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Thursday, May 26, 2011

ino wallpaper

ino wallpaper. Sasuke - Ino, Special Lovers 9
  • Sasuke - Ino, Special Lovers 9

  • superscientific
    Jul 10, 11:15 PM
    anyone there with a laptop or iPhone? How many are in the line?

    ino wallpaper. Yamanaka Ino Naruto Wallpapers
  • Yamanaka Ino Naruto Wallpapers

  • macquariumguy
    Mar 27, 06:23 AM
    How about if we just spend less and not raise more taxes?

    ino wallpaper. Shikamaru
  • Shikamaru

  • majorp
    Sep 1, 04:09 AM
    Update away. Those of you running illegal copies of the WWDC (torrent) will be happy to know that your IP and other system/contact info is automatically logged and forwarded to Apple Legal by the Leopard Software Update. :eek:

    "Enjoyed the preview? Good. We'll be contacting you soon..."

    yeah, it would only cost them $1000+ to have someone come round to my house and do something about it, well worth the �59 they would sell the end product for :rolleyes:

    do they check everybodys IP, how do they know i wasn't at wwdc.

    ino wallpaper. sakura and ino wallpaper Image
  • sakura and ino wallpaper Image

  • mdntcallr
    Oct 10, 11:18 AM
    hey i dont know about both MB and MBP being updated at the same time.

    Not sure if it would make sense. there are limited Core 2 Duo's available. As Imac has sold well with it. If Apple had decided to use Core 2 Extreme in the Imac. instead of the Duo, then i would agree with all of you thinking that the MacBook would be updated now.

    But to be honest, at the moment, i am not sure if it would make sense. I see apple only doing MBP immediately, they need to prove a reason for the power, more than the card slot, graphics chip and different case.

    ino wallpaper. Ino PSP Wallpaper PSPGo
  • Ino PSP Wallpaper PSPGo

  • efoto
    Sep 19, 11:54 AM
    This girl must have you star-struck, eh? Sending messages over to other computers in the apple store is difficult. They always have these odd names for ichat/bonjour services, so it's not likely you'll be able to do this on your first try. You could be sending a message to another GUY somwhere in the store for all you know.
    Course, you could always go with chloriphorm if all else fails.

    nevermind... those were examples, nothing more. if thats what you commented on in my post, forget it. Its falling on deaf ears :D Through your post you go onto say "she can look me up" or whatever... I got news for you... you are looking for ways to talk to her remember? I can bet one thing right now that shes NOT doing... thinking of ways to talk to you. Please dont take offense to that, its just generally something women dont have to do.

    You want her? Go get her! Don't hide behind "i dont care" because the fact is you do, and deep down you would be pissed if she started dating someone besides you... SELF CONFIDENCE! thats what i hear time and time again :D

    That is just it, I have no idea if she that hot because I hardly know her, and physical appearance only goes so far. As far as hiding behind "i dont care" as steeleclipse mentioned, I am not hiding behind it, I am stating a true fact, which myself of all people should realize to be true. If I go there again I am not going to avoid her, I would hope she doesn't feel the urge to avoid me considering I haven't done anything to her, and frankly shopping doesn't require purchases, so I shouldn't be forced to only enter the store when I have a need to purchase, I like to browse. I would not at all be pissed if she dated someone else, for all I know she could be right now and that is great for her. I simply thought she was an attractive and interesting person, and since I have a poor history of initiating contact with women I like, I thought I would ask around. I guess my purpose didn't quite filter in to all of your understandings :p

    steeleclipse, I read all of what you were typing, not just the IM portion however that was interesting from a how would one do this? aspect, it was not the focus of my response, only the first paragraph. I don't take offense to much, this is no exception so no worries on that front. The comment about she can look me up still seems valid in my mind, solely because if she was interested, she can look me up if she was really curious. I realize that women are not required to do so as men commonly are (retarded rule in my opinion) however I am not forcing anything on her, I was just stating a fact.

    Okay, nevermind, I am tired but going to the gym regardless. I'll swing by the chemistry labs and try to make/mix/take some chloroform, just to give me some future options :rolleyes:

    ino wallpaper. SasuIno Wallpaper - Happiness
  • SasuIno Wallpaper - Happiness

  • mountainbiker
    Oct 27, 05:59 PM
    I got coffee hand delivered by my mum lol! My mate and I were by the Japanese restaurant around the corner. We were tempted to get a take-away bento box and beer.

    Your mum and dad could have went into business bringing us all coffee. probably could have bought a free Leopard with all the tips =) Tell mum and dad about the iPhone in November.

    ino wallpaper. Ino Yamanaka wallpaper lights
  • Ino Yamanaka wallpaper lights

  • bretm
    Apr 16, 03:03 PM
    I can't say I am a fan of Adobe Flash as I am a big supporter of an open web, but I must say that if cross-compiled apps are inferior then the customers in the app store will certainly vote with their dollars to favor the natively written apps.

    However, I can see Apple putting this new restriction in their license agreement so as to protect themselves in case the Adobe folks find some way to sneak things onto the iPhone via their cross-compiling tools. Apple is protecting their turf, but by error on the side of caution they set themselves up for bad PR even if they intend to be more lax in acting on those restrictions.

    Here is another example of that occurring.... certainly Apple is choosing to reserve the right to bend the rules where they see fit. But without the strict wording in the developer agreement they really wouldn't have a leg to stand on. They are doing the same with pornography by revoking/rejecting all those junk porn apps that polluted the app store while still allowing the "main stream" stuff from established publishers.

    On one hand, its Apple's store and if they don't want to pollute their shelves with garbage then I applaud them. However, somebody is going to cry foul since there is not another legitimate store for iPhone apps, and I wonder if this will eventually blow-up as some sort of new anti-trust thing.

    Here's what I think the cross-compiler issue is. Adobe had the same sort of problem before they bought flash, with their app that made flash files. It was called LiveMotion and it was great. The problem with that app though, was that Macromedia controlled flash, and adobe could only reverse engineer it after the latest version had been released. So, the features of Flash 7 couldn't be realized by the Adobe LiveMotion app until waaaay after the release of Flash 7. Usually near Flash 8, etc. Adobe was essentially always a version behind. Not such a big deal with apps made for desktops and laptops. But if Apple wants to control the experience and have all it's apps updated very quickly for new OS updates, they'd have to reveal all the new features to Adobe way beforehand so that all the people making apps via Adobe's compilier could update them quickly. And of course Apple would be reliant on those developers actually desiring to pay Adobe for an upgrade to flash, which usually only comes out every year and a half or so. Much slower than updates to iPhone and it's OS. So instead, if all the developers are using Apple's tools, Apple can simply slide them a free SDK update and have them recompile. Since updating apps is so simple this way, Apple can easily require that the developers recompile in a certain time frame. Pretty hard to do for the developers that would be going through Flash, and if Adobe didn't update their tools, then the devs couldn't update, and you've got a mess and the only people losing would be the iPhone users, and then of course Apple.

    Not saying it's right or wrong. Just saying that's where Apple's coming from. I really don't think they are trying to piss off Adobe in particular. Why should they be angry at Adobe anyway? They're the ones that didn't allow flash. Adobe should be angry at Apple.

    ino wallpaper. Ino Naruto wallpaper
  • Ino Naruto wallpaper

  • nptski
    Apr 13, 12:47 PM
    Jat.... didn't know this. Made the change and not sure about speed, but it fixed another issue I had where one of my business partner web sites was getting blocked. Thanks for the tip!

    Hi, I read the whole thread and just couldn't find the settings...


    ino wallpaper. shino-aburame wallpapers
  • shino-aburame wallpapers

  • troop231
    Mar 28, 09:04 AM
    Can't wait!

    ino wallpaper. Naruto Wallpapers [800x600]
  • Naruto Wallpapers [800x600]

    Mar 26, 06:25 PM
    Who honestly cares? Lame. I saw a black guy and a mexican guy chatting outside a bookstore yesterday. Let's focus on that.

    ino wallpaper. AGZ : Ino Yamanaka Wallpaper
  • AGZ : Ino Yamanaka Wallpaper

  • TheMacBookPro
    Apr 25, 04:31 AM
    Retina Display
    backlit keyboard Option (so everyone who wants to have it can have it)
    bigger SSD drives
    faster/newer processor
    upgradable Ram

    Now that is something to lol at :p

    ino wallpaper. naruto wallpaper, ino
  • naruto wallpaper, ino

  • gohanmzt
    Mar 26, 07:03 PM
    I wonder if the mexican was getting info to write his "ese"? :p

    You made me spit out my afternoon coffee!!. I'm Mexican and I got a huge kick out of your post. Thanks for the laugh! :p

    ino wallpaper. Temari Cute Wallpaper
  • Temari Cute Wallpaper

  • cdfarrar
    Aug 19, 09:07 PM
    not available in my region yet.

    ino wallpaper. Naruto Shippuden Wallpaper
  • Naruto Shippuden Wallpaper

  • mich73
    Jul 10, 09:59 PM
    I was planning on just stopping by tomorrow afternoon. I hope they have a White 16GB model left. I didn't think a line would form this early in Cool Springs.

    I may have to rethink my plan. Keep posting and let us know how it goes!

    ino wallpaper. This Ino Kicks Butt wallpaper
  • This Ino Kicks Butt wallpaper

  • Benjy91
    Mar 28, 08:26 AM
    Im looking forward to the future of iOS.

    If its good enough, I might even unjailbreak, still running 4.2.1 here, Ill miss it though, infinifolder, custom lockscreen, custom sounds.

    Hopefully an iOS 5 Jailbreak will release soon after.

    ino wallpaper. Free Youndaime Wallpaper
  • Free Youndaime Wallpaper

  • mcapanelli
    Feb 24, 07:54 PM
    In addition, you might read up on this and see that this is really douchebag behavior we're talking about where a publisher has a "free" game for kids and then charges $100 multiple times for "smurfberries". That's pretty slimy behavior. The intention is to get a child who doesn't understand it's not play money to have their parents download the app and put in their password, then use the 15-minute window to rob the parents. The parents are thinking this is some harmless game until they get the bill.

    I would call this bad parenting if it didn't involve trickery. Do you really expect a child to understand the difference between play money and real money?

    ino wallpaper. Index of
  • Index of

  • Sydde
    May 4, 03:57 PM
    Stop projecting the problems that you have with the US political system onto the Canadian one... It seems to me that you are only happy if the people/parties that you like are winning...I did not like it when the Liberals had a majority... Part of the problem that I see with both the NDP and Liberals is that they are too concerned with special interests rather than ordinary Canadians. They pay lip service about being for the common man...
    The problems with the Canadian system are not fundamentally different from the US system. I have a congressional representative who is a decent sort of guy, but he is in the wrong party. He mostly votes the party line because he has to to get re-elected. The system in Canada is a little different, but not significantly.

    As long as I have to live with having a representative who does not represent me, the system is broken. As long as there are winners and losers, the system is broken. This holds for the GWN as well as the temperate-ish south. Until I have an effective voice in government, government is messed up. If you are totally pissed off by what the liberals are doing and have no recourse but to wait it out, the system is broken.

    The Canadian system is marginally better than the US system, but until we address the fundamental flaws of "representative democracy", until everyone has a real voice in government, until there are no winners, both systems will still be broken.

    ino wallpaper. Devious Info
  • Devious Info

  • hankk
    Jan 29, 06:54 PM
    I'm trying to install Panther on our G3 iMac DV from the back up disks that came with our new G5 iMac. (G3 iMac DV: 10.2.8; 768MB; 80GB)

    Among the bundled software is Nanosaur 2.0 (pretty fun). It is not supported on the G3.

    The install options are:
    1. Panther + bundled applications
    2. Bundled applications only
    3. OS 9 only

    There is no Panther-only install option that I can determine.

    When I attempt to install on the G3, the installer determines that the target machine does not support the bundled software (as noted above) and stops.

    I've inspected the directories of all the back up disks and have not found anything useful.

    Does anyone know a work-around to this issue? Or if I want Panther on the old machine, will I have to purchase a Panther upgrade?

    One final question: Will my proof of purchase coupons entitle me to a copy of Panther or Tiger that I could install on the G3 iMac?

    Thanks, Hank

    ino wallpaper. I voted for Ino.
  • I voted for Ino.

  • zioxide
    Mar 27, 10:22 AM
    Yeah no thanks. Are you going to tax just individuals or corporations too? Taxing corporations that deliver goods would raise the costs of everything from milk to televisions.

    How about if you need more tax revenue, you jack up taxes on imported goods? This will increase revenue, and maybe help prevent some of these companies from moving all their jobs to china.

    May 2, 08:36 PM
    The camera units are the same. The one installed in the photo just has a removable foam piece for light insulation. It exists on the black iPhone 4 as well.

    Apr 29, 09:13 AM
    And I thought you were all about fiscal responsibility? Why is it wrong to tax those who use the roads the most?

    Should we tax those in high crime areas more because police respond there more often?

    Full of Win
    Feb 18, 04:44 PM
    Very skillful in how Jobs face and legs are hidden. Im beginning to think the newspapers are right about his condition.

    Also, pretty tasteless to dress the way he does. I'm not a fan of Obama, but if I were to meet him and sit next to him for dinner, I would respect the office enough not no dress in freakin' turtle neck.

    Jobs has ZERO class, none.

    Apr 5, 06:29 PM
    don't ask me! ask the EU about it. i don't make the regulations. but i can tell you this, they want a standard port for charging purposes and data transfer, so that you have to deal with fewer cables. it's not a bad idea, if you think about it.It's a bad idea for Apple when they can't charge you $99 for a 50 cent piece of plastic and copper.

    Sep 19, 08:53 PM
    I can confirm that SATA drives run at full speed now in WindowsXP.

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