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Thursday, May 26, 2011

diary of anne frank

diary of anne frank. Jennifer Klink is Anne Frank,
  • Jennifer Klink is Anne Frank,

  • Compile 'em all
    Aug 19, 10:22 AM
    This new location feature is screaming "Im not at home, please break into my house!"

    It crawls twitter for tweets saying "heading out" etc. I think they stopped the service though after several people emailed them.

    diary of anne frank. Anne kept the diary from
  • Anne kept the diary from

  • Popeye206
    Apr 5, 11:35 AM
    Maybe because that's the only competitor there is right now? No WebOS tablet released. No BlackBerryOS tablet released. I guess technically they could've put some Windows 7 devices on there, but that would've been embarrassing ;)

    WebOS, BBOS... all vaporware right now (i.e. non-shiping product) and no matter what, you can't compare vendor hype to reality of a product you can touch and hold in it's shipping form.

    The Xoom is a great example of this. Sounded killer on paper and in the demo's looked awesome. But go use one. It's a mess. The one I worked with crashed, had screen lag and choppy animations of icons. Games were a joke. Half of the ones on the demo unit were phone size apps that looked like junk on a tablet.

    Not saying the Xoom is not a good tablet. It is. But it's far from the same fit and finish as the iPad or iPad2. It just felt like a beta device that was rushed to market to get out there. I had the same impressions with the first Samsung Tab.

    These competitors have got to take quality and overall user experience a lot more serious if they are going to lure the non-techie consumer into their camp. This is where Apple is killing them right now.

    diary of anne frank. #39;The Diary of Anne Frank,#39;
  • #39;The Diary of Anne Frank,#39;

  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 5, 08:57 AM
    Actually I figured they'd pick a netbook at the best tablet. :D

    diary of anne frank. The Diary of Anne Frank
  • The Diary of Anne Frank

  • HeavenlyYeti
    Mar 21, 07:25 PM
    echoing the other guy, mixing is well done. I'd try to add more bass into it, though.

    And the singing needs to be more dynamic, alive-feeling. Keep at it!:apple:

    diary of anne frank. The Diary of Anne Frank,
  • The Diary of Anne Frank,

  • Huntn
    Apr 28, 06:39 PM
    Isn't the current federal tax on gas a type of driving tax? :)

    diary of anne frank. Diary of Anne Frank (Imprint
  • Diary of Anne Frank (Imprint

  • yetanotherdave
    Nov 6, 05:37 AM
    You already use cards, which are trackable, stop whining, give us the option for ultra convenience, They'll still let you pay in cash if you choose!

    diary of anne frank. The Diary of ANNE FRANK (Part
  • The Diary of ANNE FRANK (Part

  • nighthawk
    Oct 11, 12:02 AM
    I'm sure Apple will progress the Mini to C2D when they Macbook is updated. The Mini only received a minor speed bump the last time around and I bet it had more to do with keeping consistant pricing than it did with updating a product.

    If I remember right, the only change was the bottom end went from a Core Solo to Core Duo. And since the Core 2 Duos cost the same as Core 1 Duos, there is no financial reason for Apple to continue to use the older chips... so I agree the Mac Mini could be upgraded at any time.

    However, from the roadmap I don't think that the lower end Core 2 Duos are shipping yet. I always thought it was odd that Intel would release the top-of-the-line chips first since there would be fewer production units which fit the standards (whereas running a CPU at a lower clockspeed or smaller cache would be OK).

    diary of anne frank. Releasing The Diary of Anne
  • Releasing The Diary of Anne

  • eternlgladiator
    Feb 23, 03:45 PM
    oooo high as pos please. was thinking dvd screen shot but it looks pants.

    I chopped the guy out and scaled it up on photoshop to 1920x1200. It doesn't look terrible and you can't really tell there was a person in it. My photoshop skills are a little lacking since I haven't had formal training in about 3 years and am not familiar with all the new stuff it can do. Do you know how I can post a picture on the forum from my computer or do you want to email me? my macrumors name @ gmail

    diary of anne frank. The Diary of Anne Frank poster
  • The Diary of Anne Frank poster

  • tjwett
    Sep 13, 08:50 PM
    guys, don't sweat it. by 2nd quarter of 2003 we will cruising along on 1.4 and 1.6 ghz overclocked G4s. oh man...

    diary of anne frank. The Diary of Anne Frank#39;s.
  • The Diary of Anne Frank#39;s.

  • aristotle
    May 4, 12:03 PM
    I challenge both points, pedantically and pragmatically. Canada is no more a "democracy" than the US, though perhaps slightly less messed up. If it was, you would not be able to brazenly put forth the second assertion. In a real democracy, there are no winners. Debate results in compromise. Compromise leaves everyone disappointed but (usually) sanguine, because those other guys are also comparably disappointed.

    The idea that we should have winners and losers is one of the biggest problems facing the US political system. The rollercoaster ride has been pushing the whole country apart from the inside. Failure is inevitable.
    Stop projecting the problems that you have with the US political system onto the Canadian one. Elections are contests and the participants either win or lose but the governing party is supposed to govern for the benefit of all citizens. We have more that two parties here and sometimes the opposition parties change positions.

    We have had situations where the there was a liberal majority with the bloc as the official opposition and the PC (Progressive Conservatives) nearly wiped out and the NDP as the third party.

    Now we have a conservative majority with and NDP opposition (second party) and the Liberals in the third party position. The Bloc are not without party status and there is one green party member.

    It seems to me that you are only happy if the people/parties that you like are winning even if they have a super majority. That is hypocrisy at its worst.

    I did not like it when the Liberals had a majority and forced through legislation without debate but I grinned and bore it because I understood that we live in a democracy and that we do not always get what we personally want when the people have spoken.

    Part of the problem that I see with both the NDP and Liberals is that they are too concerned with special interests rather than ordinary Canadians. They pay lip service about being for the common man but the common man voted conservative because they understand that budgets have to be balanced in households so it should be the same with the government. People in their own homes cannot continue to borrow and spend more money than they have coming in so it seems logical to most hard working tax payers that the government should be held to a similar standard. I think it is foolish to mortgage future generations with out of control spending on social programs since those that follow us will have to pay for it and might not have the same social programs to depend on if the overspending continues.

    diary of anne frank. “The Diary of Anne Frank”
  • “The Diary of Anne Frank”

  • uberamd
    Jun 14, 05:24 PM
    What the heck are all of the USB ports for?

    diary of anne frank. The Diary of Anne Frank
  • The Diary of Anne Frank

  • codymac
    Apr 3, 07:34 PM
    The one in Texas the comtroller (GOP at the time) even toll scumbag Perry that if you cut property tax that for it would come back and be a problem in 2011. He called it. He told them in 2011 the budget would come up short and it was just worse than he said it was because of the tanking.

    You mean "she?" We've had women comptrollers for over a decade now.

    The underperforming post-2006 state franchise tax takes the lion's share of the burden here (as called out in the article). It simply isn't compensating for the reduction that was based on it.

    But... that decrease in school taxes has been partially offset by the appraisal districts raising home values since it went into effect. Both the rates and home values have increased in my district since the initial drop. (By 2009 the rate x value equaled my 2005 amount.)

    Sure, it's screwed up, but don't believe Perry's claims that he reduced school taxes as much as he says. That's giving him too much credit.

    Thanks for reminding me though... I need to file my franchise taxes.

    diary of anne frank. MASTERPIECE “The Diary of Anne
  • MASTERPIECE “The Diary of Anne

  • PlaceofDis
    Sep 1, 05:31 AM
    how do they release the preview to developers and not let loose the super secret features? are all the super secret features all applications which don't need testing?

    or will there be another round of betas?:confused: :confused: :confused:

    they don't lose the secret features due to NDAs.

    diary of anne frank. Anne Frank. The Diary of a
  • Anne Frank. The Diary of a

  • Maccus Aurelius
    Nov 14, 11:13 AM
    And here people were hoping something would come along and topple the iPod. I had to check the Zune out for myself, it's basically dull-finished 1st Gen iPod clone. And now with iPod friendly skies, the bastardized iTurd will have very rough waters venture through. Go Apple. :D

    diary of anne frank. diary of anne frank
  • diary of anne frank

  • emiljan
    Apr 27, 12:33 PM
    Although i don't have a suggestion for your graphing program. here ( is something that is very similar to MSPaint, but much better.

    Its called seashore and its open-source and free.

    diary of anne frank. Glen - Diary of Anne Frank
  • Glen - Diary of Anne Frank

  • danielbriggs
    Nov 21, 04:40 PM
    This is nothing new...

    I used those devices in last year for my GCSE courwork (15-16 yrs old). I used them in a drinks cooler / heat thingy.

    I won't ramble on about my product, but: The devices are called "Thermo electric coolers. i.e. TEC's

    And they offer 3 functions.

    1. The cool something.
    2. They heat something.
    3. They produce electricity.

    This heat / cooling effect is called the Peltier effect (some French guy) and some people call these things peltiers etc.

    They work, buy passing a relativly large current 3-20 amps, depending on wattage. to draw heat from one side to another basically. one side is -10 degrees c. The other is +80 degrees c. However, if you don't power them and instead create a temperature difference, i.e. stick ontop of a hot computer chip. You wil have set up a temperature gradient. So it will generate electricity. Typically you get around 4ma per 1 degree C. So nothing huge, unless they have refined them. So in this case, the bigger the delta T, the more power. I guess it could power a fan then! Seem's easily possilbe, but I wouldn't expect battery life to be much more than 30 mins at most extra. As 1 fan doesn't draw THAT much power!

    Still a good idea though!

    If anyone else has any questions, on how they work, images, tech drawing, or my product, i'm happy to answer them all!

    BTW: Forgot to add, the generating electricity idea, from one of these, is called the "Seebeck Effect"

    Dan :-)

    diary of anne frank. Original Anne Frank Movie Won
  • Original Anne Frank Movie Won

  • MacRumors
    Apr 1, 08:31 AM (

    diary of anne frank. #39;The Diary of Anne Frank#39; to
  • #39;The Diary of Anne Frank#39; to

  • davidjearly
    Dec 21, 02:49 AM
    I sure hope this hasn't ruined davidjearly's christmas (

    Not at all. As I said, I have no inclination for either Joe or RATM, or most chart music in general to be honest. I just thought the 'campaign' was pathetic, and still do.

    It will be interesting to see what gets played more on the radio over the next week. I have a feeling it won't be RATM, which will indicate how pathetic and meaningless this whole 'campaign' has been. This is what I have been getting at all along. Someone will need to let me know though as I don't listen to the radio much either.

    diary of anne frank. anne frank diary To the
  • anne frank diary To the

  • citizenzen
    Apr 9, 01:07 AM
    Originally Posted by Xeperu View Post
    "Humans should have the full right to decide over their own bodies, that includes planned parenthood and abortions."

    Apparently HIS statement only means some humans.....

    The developing human fetus's rights, as ruled by the United States Supreme Court, do not supersede the rights of the woman carrying that fetus. While the rights do conflict, the law favors the rights of the mother over that of the fetus.

    That is all pretty straight forward, no?

    Apr 28, 08:56 AM
    Where do you think the Thunderbolt port might even go in the Air? Will it replace one of the USB ports? Doesn't seem like there's really that much room... thoughts?

    Sep 26, 04:10 PM
    This just goes to show that Apple is in reality no better than Wal-Mart (who may be trying to thwart iTV) and Microsoft (criticized for monopolistic practices).

    I wish Apple Corps (The Beatles) would sue Apple computer's pants off for infringing on their name.


    Apple records have been suing apple computer for about 25 years, ever since the first apple computers were capable of producing sound.

    Second, that's a dumb thing to say because the two companies are in different markets. It would be akin to a company named Slithe Manufacturing which made car parts suing a company named Slithe Bakeries. There is no place in the world for hollow logic like that.

    Sep 17, 03:41 AM
    Is this a joke or what? Are people that work in retail different to the rest of us? Am I missing something here?

    Sep 22, 02:42 PM
    Originally posted by P-Worm
    Isn't it amazing that no matter what the topic of a thread is about it always seems to degrade into people getting mad at how expensive a Macintosh is? Not to change the subjedt or anything...Carry on.


    Continuing this brief diversion...

    I've seen no attempt to quantitively factor quality into all these price comparisions that get thrown around. The build quality on my shiny doors is better than the build quality on any PC I've personally seen since a really nice Intel (yes, Intel) built PC from about '93.

    If there's a desire to compare simply on price, then you might as well use a random number generator - it's too much Apple and Oranges.

    I remember the storm caused a few years ago when a number of the UK PC manufacturers admitted that a 5% - 10% failure rate was the rates they operated on. I've just witnessed 3 motherboards out of about 15 go "phut" at work - due to design defects rather than going out of warranty as well. So should I conclude that they're good value for money because they are cheaper?

    Sep 1, 12:15 PM
    This is, of course, due to the release of a new version of OS X every 18 months or so compared to the ridiculous periods between Windows versions.


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