Saturday, May 14, 2011

check box symbol

check box symbol. ox your check box is on
  • ox your check box is on

  • ryanmcd02
    Jan 25, 08:26 PM
    The aforementioned reasons of poor market and low expectations for the next quarter.

    But what this also indicates is that the wealth effects of the poor market now will especially hurt Apple this year since Apple makes relatively expensive or high-end products. More expensive goods are more elastic; Apple's products are more affected by decreases in (perceived) wealth than cheaper goods. The price tag on the iPhone becomes much more important.

    Hopefully people will see they are going to get a $600 check from the stimulus package and decide they can afford an iPhone after all.

    I second that now may be the time to buy aapl, if the market does not continue to slide.

    check box symbol. Check+ox+image+icon
  • Check+ox+image+icon

  • Wozza2010
    Apr 14, 05:22 PM
    Exactly - when I got my iphone 4 I couldn't believe how smooth/fluid it all was. I just wasn't used to it having only used windoze products where stuttering and lag is quite common.

    Up to version 4.2.1 the iphone 4 was very smooth, with 4.3.x some of that feel has been lost.

    Same thing happened on iPad going from os 3 to os 4.

    The smooth feel was lost forever.

    check box symbol. 3d Red Check Box Button
  • 3d Red Check Box Button

  • kirky29
    Apr 28, 04:14 PM
    So you actually get MORE iPhone in the white model.


    Lol! +1

    check box symbol. Its associated checkbox mar
  • Its associated checkbox mar

  • Mystikal
    Mar 17, 01:05 PM
    Anyone have any luck with CSUF or UCI?

    I go to CSUF. They only have iPad 1's.

    Same as yesterday Was it the older guy with the eye that looked the other way? A-holes.


    Thats why you guys shouldn't go to mall stores, the cops are dicks.

    check box symbol. Abstract check box icon with
  • Abstract check box icon with

  • lordonuthin
    Nov 29, 05:31 PM
    I now have 2 gpu's running which should put up some additional points. I have stopped the cpu folding on that machine, it wasn't doing nearly as many ppd in windows as it was in linux. Hopefully I can push over the 400k ppw mark but we shall see.

    I am used to win xp at work but win 7 has been a challenge to figure out, so many things have changed...

    check box symbol. signs symbol checked ox
  • signs symbol checked ox

  • bigjnyc
    Apr 12, 11:24 AM
    I'm curious why you would automatically upgrade at all, since you have an iPhone 4 already. What do you expect out of version 5 that you can't do now? I'm not being critical, if that's what you want go for it. I'm just curious why some people plan to upgrade every time, sight unseen.

    I have a rare disease that tells my brain that I must have the latest and greatest... It nags at me until I obtain the newest update. I've seen doctors all over the world but none have been able to cure me :p

    check box symbol. check box is checked.
  • check box is checked.

  • 3goldens
    May 4, 02:04 PM
    No new iphone in July?

    What am I going to do!

    And this information comes from where you say, one of those idiot ATT customer reps?

    Must be true then!

    But who cares really!

    People who can't wait a few more months need to get a grip!

    After all this leaves so much more time for all the rumors and speculation to get really cranked up!

    check box symbol. that its ios checkbox Like
  • that its ios checkbox Like

  • bartonlynch
    Apr 23, 06:56 PM
    does anyone know if the dual GSM/CDMA chip supports T-MO 3G?
    if so, yee boiii

    check box symbol. Checked Box Symbol - Page 2
  • Checked Box Symbol - Page 2

  • IndyGopher
    Apr 14, 10:42 AM
    "iX" = "Ix", which is the nickname for the character Ford Prefect in the book "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

    Obviously, the new Apple device is either a digital watch or a towel.

    I see that name, and I think of Dune, not HHGG. Ix is the planet where all the cool machines & gadgets are made.

    check box symbol. -ox icons, free check box
  • -ox icons, free check box

  • Jason Beck
    Apr 11, 10:54 PM

    Sorry about cutting my hand off, I was holding the camera too with my other hand.

    check box symbol. The symbols options dialog ox
  • The symbols options dialog ox

  • pmz
    Apr 22, 10:56 AM
    Of all the things that iPhone needs soon, LTE is not one of them.

    We can all wait until its widespread, and usable.

    check box symbol. Step 16Draw the symbol
  • Step 16Draw the symbol

  • hobbyrennfahrer
    Jan 31, 12:19 PM
    from here (

    i live in switzerland :cool:

    check box symbol. Check+ox+in+word+2007
  • Check+ox+in+word+2007

  • Matt-M
    Apr 28, 05:08 PM
    Maybe we should just grab a couple of iphones for...ahem....testing purposes! :)

    I have high-precision digital calipers, but only a black phone.

    The only reason I found this interesting is the why. If the white phone is thicker, why is it thicker? Different camera vendor (since that's the thickest internal component)? Insulation on the antenna? Different battery? Thicker paint coating to prevent light leaks?

    I couldn't care less about the fact that it might be thicker, only the reason. Alas, I don't think it is. Maybe only enough for the paint explanation.

    check box symbol. the health check black ox
  • the health check black ox

  • Axegrinder
    Jul 11, 05:07 PM
    I know this is an Apple site and having recently "switched" I'm in no way knocking Apple or their products, but at the risk of getting flamed, why do people buy the video ipod with its tiny screen when there are other, better, video players out there already?

    I have one of these ( and its fantastic. Great battery life, large vibrant screen, 30GB hard drive, plays movies, audio and records off the TV. Works great with my nice new 20" intel iMac too using handbrake and VisualHub.

    I know brand loyalty plays a major part in peoples purchasing decisions but buying an ipod to watch video on a screen as small as that? Don't think I could stand it for long.

    IMHO, both Apple and Microsoft will have to go some way to beat the COWON A2.

    check box symbol. Mark symbol cross check box
  • Mark symbol cross check box

  • EricNau
    Aug 15, 05:03 PM
    I find it interesting that the text "purchase spare battery" changes to "purchase replacement battery" when the battery health is poor.

    However I would rather the "purchase spare battery" didn't exist (although the "purchase replacement battery" is fine IMO). When Apple is trying to sell you a spare battery it seems too much like an advertisement, but when Apple is trying to help you out and replace your battery it seems like they are being nice and helping you out.

    check box symbol. a) Check box that says quot;Allow
  • a) Check box that says quot;Allow

  • renewed
    Sep 14, 11:01 PM
    Had the limited pre-ordered and picked it up today. Kinda regret not getting the legendary edition.

    Seeing pics of the halo reach console are getting me jealous lol. I'm a halo nut, I might just end up buying it. That's if it's still available and not sold out that is.

    $399 at newegg. No tax and free shipping.

    check box symbol. insert+a+check+ox+in+word
  • insert+a+check+ox+in+word

  • MacRumors
    Apr 21, 10:10 PM (

    check box symbol. Xchat icon mark symbol checked
  • Xchat icon mark symbol checked

  • Waybo
    Apr 7, 09:18 PM
    One of the best parts of my recent vacation was swimming with, and hand feeding, the stringrays at Stingray City, a sandbar off Grand Cayman Island where a large population of them congregate. While they look "frisky" here, they were quite gentle, and reminded me of puppies begging for food (squid).
    Olympus S1030SW (R.I.P.)
    ISO 80, 5mm, 0 ev, f/5 1/640

    check box symbol. Generate Parent check box.
  • Generate Parent check box.

  • Linito
    Dec 4, 12:36 PM
    what does not kill us makes us stronger however this is a wake-up call :eek:
    Go Apple kick but :D

    Jul 21, 11:10 AM

    As long as Apple doesn't grow too fast, this is great news. Get to Gateway in the next few years, and I'll be happy. Just don't grow too big, Apple.

    Few years? How about next month or TOMORROW?! :p

    Apr 26, 01:53 PM
    here's another article for you.....

    Wow...are you really that narrowminded?

    I'm not for one minute, nor did I ever say that Amazons cloud is invincible. The point I was making was that if Apple plan on using 1 datacenter, they will not only make the service unusable outside the US, but also make it pretty unreliable. The Amazon outage was the first since 2008 and was caused by a network glitch. Not exactly your run of the mill outage.

    Either way, Amazons cloud will outperform Apple's, period end of story. You'd have to be a pretty delusional fanboy to think that Apple would have the upper hand in this market. :rolleyes:

    Apr 29, 02:48 PM
    I wonder if this new pricing scheme is being enabled by the record labels with lower wholesale pricing to Amazon (to try, yet again, to take power out of Apple's hands), or if Amazon is simply doing this at a loss?

    Why would Amazon want to take a loss - to support non-Apple mp3 players?

    For Apple, they are not making much, if any money - they always planned it as a break-even business - the real value was the content eco-system tied to their products (= value for customers).

    Dec 29, 11:12 AM
    I feel sorry for her toilet.

    Oct 23, 04:20 PM
    losers, i hate microsoft, stupid capitalists.

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